Our team
The project, coordinated by prof. Alvisa Palese from the Degree Course of Nursing of the Department of Medicine DAME – University of Udine, also involves, as partners, the company Tech4Care SRL (Italy), Technologiko Panepistimio Kyprou (Cyprus), Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (Switerzalnd) and Katholische Hochschule Mainz (Germany).
TECHNOLOGIKO PANEPISTIMIO KYPROU (Cyprus) – Prof. Charalambos Chrysostomou, Prof. Evridiki Papastavrou
ZURCHER HOCHSCHULE FUR ANGEWANDTE WISSENSCHAFTEN (Switzerland) – Prof. Andreas Gerber-Grote, Prof. Maria Schubert
KATHOLISCHE HOCHSCHULE MAINZ (Germany) – Prof. Renate Stemmer, Prof. Thomas Hermsen
TECH4CARE SRL (Italy) – Dr. Paolo Olivetti, Dr. Carlos Chiatti

The University of Udine (UNIUD) is an Italian Public University founded in 1978 by National Law. Currently UNIUD offers 36 first cycle degree courses and 37 second cycle degree courses. In addition, the University offers postgraduate teaching and research, with a broad and diverse range of training courses, specialization schools (23, mostly in medicine), university master (15) and doctorate (15) degrees. It has 15.497 students and 652 professors and researchers. Scientific research is performed and coordinated by 8 Departments and 9 Research centres and supported by a central administrative office. Since May 2016, the University of Udine officially obtained the HR Excellence in Research Award from the European Commission. In health care sector, UNIUD has 8 first cycle degree courses, 1 single cycle degree course and 1 master degree course. The medical department, which is involved in the project, has almost 100 professors and researchers and almost 2.000 students. The administrative offices involve many people, 4 of which in research support division, 8 in administrative division and 7 in educational division.

The Cyprus University of Technology was founded in Limassol in 2003 and consists of 6 faculties: Faculty of Geotechnical Sciences and Environmental Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts and Faculty of Engineering and Technology. The development of all departments is characterized by the following three objectives: To provide education to students of a high scientific, technological and professional level, to produce high quality research that will transcend the traditional boundaries between basic and applied research, to attain an important position as a partner in a modem, European setting and to secure significant external research funding, to promote University cooperation with local industry and the economic sector in order to participate in the national effort to innovate and constantly improve products and services. The Academic and Teaching Staff is selected by electoral boards, which consists by Cypriot and non-Cypriot academics from at least three different countries. At the moment, 102 faculty members consist the elected Academic personnel, additionally almost 70 people are working as tutors of the Technical Institute, Higher Hotel Institute and Nursing School and have joined the University with a special procedure by law referred as Affiliated Academic Staff. Finally, there is also the administration dpt to facilitate all administrative procedures of the University. Department of Nursing is part of the Faculty of Health Sciences and health literacy is a topic of interest for Academics and researchers of the department

The Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) is one of the largest multidisciplinary universities of applied sciences in Switzerland with around 12’300 students and 2’980 employees. The ZHAW is part of the Swiss Universities network. As one of the leading universities of applied sciences, the ZHAW brings together many different disciplines and a wide range of specialist knowledge under one roof. The four ZHAW areas of activity, education, applied research and development, consultancy and services, and continuing education, are always scientifically based and practice-oriented. The university includes eight schools (Applied Linguistics, Applied Psychology, Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering, Engineering, Health Professions, Life Sciences and Facility Management, Management and Law, Social Work) and a wide range of continuing education programmes, with approx. 50 Master of Advanced Studies (MAS/EMBA), around 220 Diploma and Certificate of Advanced Studies (DAS/CAS) and many continuing education courses. Beside the national degree programmes, the ZHAW offers internationally oriented degree programmes, including some double degrees. The university has over 420 partnership agreements with universities in 57 countries. The ZHAW research profile is characterised by two strategic focal points: energy and societal integration. Together with industry partners, ZHAW researcher carry out hundreds of projects each year, with a total funding of around 116 million Swiss francs. The ZHAW School of Health Professions, the partner organization of this project, is one of the largest educational centres for health professionals in Switzerland. The school offers training and continuing education programmes as well as research and development opportunities for nursing, midwifery, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and health sciences. The training and continuing education programmes encompass 5 Bachelor of Science, one for each health profession, with around 1350 students, 4 Master of Science (nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy) with around 150 students, 51 CAS with around 370 students, 9 MAS with around 180 students, and 6 DAS with around 60 students. The School offers also some international programmes, like short-term modules at the bachelor level in the context of the European Nursing Module (ENM) network. The applied research area includes 5 research units, one for each profession, with more than 20 professorships, and generates together per year around CHF 2’300’000 third-party funding.

Mainz Catholic University of Applied Sciences (Mainz CUAS), is a state-recognised university with faculties for Social Work and Social Sciences, Practical Theology, Health Care and Nursing. The responsible body is the Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Bildung mbH of the (arch)dioceses of Cologne, Limburg, Mainz, Speyer and Trier. The core remits of the university include application-related tuition, research and further education. Mainz CUAS qualifies its graduates to become technically competent and socially responsible experts and managers. Mainz CUAS has 1300 students and 80 members of staff. It offers numerous advantages. Such as small teaching groups and a close contact between all members of the university. Courses at CUAS Mainz are characterised by a broad scientific base, a high degree of practical orientation and numerous complementary activities as for example in the field of (social) media. Research Management at Mainz CUAS is settled at the Institute of Applied Research and International Relations (ifb). Its research and advisory projects focus on applied health, social and welfare research, as well as on ecclesiastical social research. The Institute of Further Education (ifw) offers a wide range of further education and training to specialist and management personnel from the social, health and education sectors.

Tech4Care is an innovative startup company acting as a centre for research and development (R&D), consulting and training, with the aim to innovate care for people in a state of frailty, dependence and with chronic conditions. Our mission is to develop, test and produce new technological solutions for improving health and well-being of patients and their families. Our activity includes the design and experimentation of new products, the direct provision of care and monitoring services, the consulting and support for project management of innovative initiatives, the training and health education for families, care assistants and health professionals. Tech4Care aims at mobilising interdisciplinary expertise and resources to develop innovative programmes that support patients in their daily life, allowing them to live more independently and benefitting from better health and quality of life. Our staff has extensive experience in national and European projects, with longstanding and successful partnerships with public institutions, non-profit organisations and industries. Tech4Care counts 7 FTEs and 1 doctoral student, and has extensive experience in national and European projects, with longstanding and successful partnerships with public institutions, non-profit organisations and industries. Tech4Care is a spin-out company linked to the Polytechnic University of Marche (Italy) and keeps a solid focus on exploiting and translating best research, R&D and training approaches into actual products and services for vulnerable groups.